dimecres, 6 de desembre del 2017
Eric Clapton a Rolling Stone
"It was a good time. Lili and I were talking about it again today, about how free that period was in the Sixties and early Seventies. There wasn't a consciousness about what would be successful or not. It didn't matter as long as you took a shot at everything and just kept on playing. And if anyone came in, [they could] join in. It was open. (...) By the time I got to the Nineties, I was really confused about the competitive nature of music. Bands were aggressive to one another, judgmental. You just make records and hope that they do better than the other guy's records. In that point you're talking about, anything could happen, and it had nothing to do with success". Eric Clapton en una entrevista signada per David Fricke i publicada aquesta setmana a l'edició digital de Rolling Stone.
Aquest home sempre em confon: de vegades fa declaraciones amb coherència com aquesta i altres sembla com si el rock and roll, o la seva època de finals dels seixanta, ja no li importés gens ni mica. Tampoc sóc ningú per recriminar-li res. Ha estat un mestre en molts aspectes.
ResponEliminaSí, és veritat que de vegades les declaracions de Clapton cal agafar-les amb pinces, però en aquest cas crec que ens trobem davant d'una entrevista prou interessant. I sí, com bé apuntes i malgrat el que se li pugui recriminar, cal no oblidar que ha estat un mestre en molts aspectes.