dimarts, 12 de febrer del 2019

El judici de la vergonya

Quan hi ha més dignitat en aquestes onze cadires (no compto a Santi Vila, no pas per les seves idees ni els seus pensaments sinó per la forma com els ha expressat i com s'ha comportat al llarg del darrer any) que en tots els aparells d'aquest Estat en decadència que és Espanya a data d'avui, faig meves aquestes paraules que Roger Gascon (The Lazy Lies) ha publicat al seu compte de Facebook amb motiu del vergonyós judici als representants civils i polítics de l'independentisme que ha començat aquest matí. El judici de la vergonya, ni més ni menys.

These 12 people (10 Catalan politicians, 2 leaders of Catalan cultural organisations) are being judged today, 9 of them after being jailed for up to 16 months.

Their "crime"? Organising a referendum using NO public funds (a referendum 80% of Catalans wanted), and organising a peaceful demonstration.

The accusation? Sedition (which implies violence and weapons!), rebellion, even criminal assotiation!... with up to 75 years in jail.

No international observers have been allowed in the room. I wonder why.

Some pieces of evidence have not been accepted... oddly, all from the Catalan side.

Let's not forget that this is a country:
- where hip hop singers go to jail (or exile) for their lyrics
- where group rapers are left free
- where a group of Basque boys are in jail for a bar fight, still awaiting trial after 15 months (oh, did I mention their rivals happen to be in the Spanish National police?)
- where the extreme right have full immunity (and they are part of the accusation in this trial!!!), weird huh?
- where former fascist dictator Franco has a foundation in its name, even receiving money from the state
- where the policemen who beat us up during the referendum are praised, and even got medals and their wages raised
- where Franco designed the Spanish former king as his successor
- where the judiciary system hasn't been renewed since Franco times (same judges, their sons, their friends)

Do you think this will be a fair trial?

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